Friday, 30 October 2015

Binary Opposition

We have decided to use Strauss' theory of binary opposition within our music video. We have chose to do this in two main ways, Summer Vs Winter and Day Vs Night. We have chosen to do this to show that no matter what time of day or what season/weather our artist can always have a good time and make the most of the situation with her friends.

Summer and Winter

We have chosen to create this divide between our two locations. Our first location is the beach which is largely associated with summer and we will use to show our artist having fun in the sun to create a positive feel good vibe. We well then oppose this with our artist in London in more typical 'English weather' to represent the winter and how our artist can make the most of situations and have fun anyway. To ensure that we can do this successfully we will need to ensure that we film in the right weather conditions, we have planned to film at the Beach on a day that is forecast to be sunny. We will now monitor the weather forecast for London to ensure that it is going to be a duller day. 4 Seasons of Loneliness is a video which manages to successfully create this opposition between the seasons and so we will look to this for inspiration, it is however of a different genre so to meet our stereotypes and conventions we will challenge the ideas used in this video too.

Day and Night

The opposition between day and night will also be created through our choice of locations. We will present London as though our artist is out at night where as the beach will be presented in the day. This shows that our artist is always having fun no matter what time and shows her wild side. To show that it is night and day we have chosen outdoor locations so that the audience can see the opposition however a minority of our shots may be shot inside, we think that even though these will be inside we will need to present this opposition through mies-en-scene such as our artists costume to show that she is wrapped up a bit more warmly in London compared to when she is at the beach.  Crickets by Drop City Yacht Club is an example of the binary opposition of day and night that we can use for inspiration.

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