Thursday, 7 January 2016

Focus Group

We decided to carry out a final focus group on what we considered to be our final draft to ensure that our video works for our target audience and so that we can make any tweaks necessary. As a whole the feedback for our video was very positive showing that our video works well in drawing in our target audience. There were some minor improvements that we will take into account where they told us to add a filter onto the shot of our artist's feet in the sea and to add more shots of the pillow fight, we will make these improvements and carry out another focus group to ensure that our video suits the audience once these changes have been made.

Are there specific shots that you particularly enjoyed watching?
It is clear that our audience enjoyed the music video however we wanted to know what particular parts they enjoyed the most to see if it might be effective to add more of this. They pointed out that they really enjoyed the shots of the pillow fights, which Kiera later added made her feel very nostalgic and reminded her of good times she had when she was younger. We will now add 1 or 2 more shots in of the pillow scenes to ensure that this feeling is enhanced and kept throughout the video. They also liked the close shots of our artist lip syncing and the ways in which we had overlayed this, so we will consider adding more of this into our video.

Do you have any general feedback?
We asked this question so that we could see what our audience initially thought of the video as a whole. We found that the shots that stood out most were the colourful shots however we think that we managed to find the right balance of this and so do not want to add any more and overwhelm the audience. The projector shots were also mentioned especially the section when we alternated between different projections. The shot that stood out to our audience was the one of our artist with her feet in the sea, because of this we are planning to edit a colour filter onto this shot.

Could you identify the genre of the music video clearly?
Our audience successfully identified our genre as dance pop through the colours, costume and location.

Did you find the music video entertaining?
The audience identified our video as a 'feel good video' saying that there was always something happening which kept it entertaining. This reassures us that we do not need to add more shots to make the pace faster and more exciting and that we have used the right amount.

What do you feel the colours brought to the video?
Our target audience identified the colours as adding a fun and upbeat feeling to our video which fulfils our intention. They added that they represented different emotions which shows that we have successfully expressed positivity to the audience.

Did this take you to your utopian world?
We have successfully transported the audience into a positive and fun place as they all answered yes to this question.

Do you think there was enough lip syncing and was it to a good standard?
One concern that we did have with our video was that we hadn't got the ratio of lip syncing at the right balance however they said that we had managed to find the right balance. In terms of quality, we found that as a whole our lip syncing was very good, our audience made note of one shot that stood out where our artist looked afraid. After identifying this shot we are going to see how we can improve this.

Do you think that the effects suited the genre?
Our audience were very keen to talk about the colour effects showing that these were very suitable for our audience, they said that it gave the video a clubby feel and can be seen in other videos from our genre. They liked the typography effects saying that they're original, bold and stand out which reassured us that they were appropriate for our target audience and had the desired effect.

How did you feel about our artist?
Our target audience could relate to our artist saying she is very fun and what they would look for. Her costume was mentioned saying that although we went against the stereotype of women wearing very revealing clothing in some of our shots that this showed her as very independent and appealed to the audience.

Could you identify a specific narrative throughout our music video?
They successfully identified the binary opposition between day and night which we were concerned we may not have portrayed successfully. The narrative was also mentioned as 'the life of a teenage girl' which was very key to entice our audience by giving them an artist that they can relate to.

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